Our worship time together would NOT be the same without music!! From solos to group vocals, to piano and trumpet stylings, the buzzing of kazoos, to the call from the shofar, and the percussive speech of the xylophone… we’ve certainly had a wide variety of music over the years!! We like to mix it up!!

Enjoy some videos of a few of our favorites below! What are some of your favorite childhood choruses and songs? While these are great for reminiscing, these also taught us how to work and sing together and also taught us many stories from the Bible!

We have a little fun with music… sometimes with INTERESTING instruments! Check them out!


This is a song we've been singing for over 2 decades. Lyrics and the character, “Smellvin” ( and he IS a character!!) are compliments of Kenny Cronin. Since this is CONFERENCE and not our CAMPOUT, please feel free to swap these words! This is based on the melody to Roger Miller's "King of the Road." Enjoy and feel free to join in! I recently arranged the music for piano and created the mp3 file below, if you want to play this yourself or sing along with the accompaniment!

Church of God Campout
arr Chondra Rankin
Church of God Campout.PNG

To begin our song segment… we say,”Hallelujah!!!” Join us!

Hallelujah!! “God be praised” (uttered in worship or as an expression of rejoicing).

We KNOW you want to sing along with these recordings… so just check out the lyrics in the description field, directly below the video if you click through to watch on YouTube! We plan to record all of the choruses in our chorus book - but just bear with us… we have over 300 choruses that we love to sing! We’ll keep adding them as we can!

Awesome God

He IS an awesome God!

Father, I Adore You

Listen to or join in on this beautiful round-style song!

I’ve Been Redeemed

A vital step of the redeption process toward on journey to the earthly Kingdom is baptism. This one is a FAVORITE!

Deep & Wide

It’s time for an action chorus!

I Owed a Debt

A beautiful, lesser known chorus - a favorite of ours!

I Will Enter in His Gates

A most important life ingredient: #gratitude !!

Beloved, Let Us Love One Another

Love thy neighbor as yourself.

Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah!

Get ready to get your blood pumping with this fun 2- or 3-part song!

He’s Able

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Apple Red Happiness

You can’t help but smile when you sing this chorus!

The Lord’s Army

Join in on the actions!

I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N Work, Wait, Watch and Pray

Take a DEEP breath, and… GO! A fun round to sing to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat!


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Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley / I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

What a beautiful way to incorporate our theme song for this year’s conference!! How poignant for us to remember that Jesus walked, and he walked alone… but he walked, so that we may follow in his footsteps. We have nothing but love and gratitude for those steps and for God giving us His Son for our salvation!

On the Jericho Road

An unplanned special performed by Virginia Browning, Curt Masters, Elder Joe James, & Pastor Francis Burnett. Frances was a well-loved pastor in Iowa for decades, as well as President of our state Board for years. He and his beautiful, deep singing voice are missed!

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Kelsey Cronin and Chondra Rankin sing the Selah version of this classic! We love to sing this contemplative song at the end of the night after our campfire gathering. A perfect, calming song.

You Ought to Know Him

This fanfare, with its theme focused on becoming closer to God through Jesus His son, is brought to us by Tascha Hauber.

During conference, there are various quieter moments when it is appropriate to reflect on the day or a passage we may have learned and often, there will be an accompanying piano prelude. Enjoy these arrangements as you contemplate the sermon messages you listened to earlier…